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Sweet Annie

Sweet Annie (Artemisia Annua) is an aromatic shrub that has been in use for at least 2500 years as a cure for Malaria, fevers, chills and parasites, as well as being used for moxibustion. Apart from it having gorgeous, sweet smelling leaves it is one of the most useful medicinal plants you can have in your garden:

- Exceptional vermifuge, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic properties means it cures the sickness associated with any parasites, mites or fungal infections in the body.

- Sweet Annie tea can eradicate all symptoms associated with Malaria in 48 hours if it is drunk every couple of hours. Its miraculous healing power against Malaria was captured by a French TV crew who made a documentary about Sweet Annie’s use in Africa, which can be found on YouTube.

- It’s known as a formidable treatment for dysentary, tuberculosis, the common cold, jaundice, yellow fever, psoriasis and many auto-immune conditions.

- Artemisia Annua is used to slow down the fatal condition Pneumocystis Pneumonia (PCP) as it obliterates the fungus which causes the condition.

- Can be applied directly to the skin to protect against fungal and bacterial infections as well as for treating arthritis, joint pain, to erase scar tissue and to soothe nerve pain and sprains.

- Its powerful anti-inflammatory properties are used to heal a wide range of auto-immune conditions such as multiple sclerosis.

- Research from the University of Washington by Dr. Henry Lai has shown that compounds in Sweet Annie act as a natural form of chemotherapy by selectively and exclusively attacking cancer cells whilst leaving healthy cells intact.