Elecampane (Inula Helenium), also known as Wild Sunflower is native European herb which has centuries of documented use as a valuable medicinal plant. The medicine is contained in the root, a thick yellow Rhizome, which is dried and powdered or used fresh and made into a tincture or extract. It’s used to treat respiratory problems and a host of other conditions.
- Excellent remedy for colds and flus due to its ability to stimulate circulation in the lungs and clear mucus from their deepest parts. Can be used to treat chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, athsma and emphysema.
- It’s also a traditional remedy for intestinal parasites and has been used successfully to treat hookworm, roundworm, threadworm and whipworm.
- Elecampane oil when diluted into a carrier oil can be used to treat the itchiness associated with psoriasis and eczema.
- Its ability to kill many strains of bacterial and fungal infections led to it being extensively researched as an alternative to antibiotics to solve the problem of antibiotic resistance.
- Various studies have now shown it to have strong anti-cancer action by inhibiting the reproduction of cancer cells, thus, slowing down or halting the tumor’s growth.
- Contains an abundance of bioactive antioxidants which act as a shield protecting the body from the effects of stress and neuro-degenerative diseases.
- Has mild sedative properties.