Blue Vervain
Blue Vervain (Verbena Hastata) is known primarily as a nervine but it has so many other medicinal uses too. It’s a tonic, emetic, expectorant, sudorific, good for a fever, the onset of a cold, it’s cooling to the liver and gives your skin a glow. Many could find it a valuable ally in these stressful times.) It’s considered to be very good at helping you deal with the stress around you right now, whatever it is. Its European cousin, Common Vervain (Verbena Vulgaris) has all the same qualities, but is thought to be more helpful with stress that’s on its way. For example, Blue Vervain will help you cope with stress in the middle of your exams, whereas Common Vervain will help you if you’ve got the jitters because your exams are coming up in the next couple of weeks. At least that’s what they say….Along with Meadowsweet and Watermint, Vervain was considered a sacred herb by the Druids. It is also known as ‘Herb of the Cross’ as it was thought to have been used to wash Christ’s wounds, once removed from the cross, to staunch the blood flow due to its hemostatic properties.